Monday, February 10, 2014

Who and what inspires me?

While sitting watching one Olympic athlete after another compete.  I can’t help think about what inspires me.  Of course these Olympic athletes inspire me but in less tangible ways.  I would like to share with you what and who inspires me on a daily basis to be a stronger person, to be a more empathetic person, to commit, to want to be better at something, to want to love deeper, to …. The list is endless.  Below are just some examples of inspiration that I am privileged to witness on a regular basis.  

  • A young man, who is a student, works two jobs, takes 16 hours of classes, is engaged in leadership activities and who is committed to being self-sufficient and successful by being exactly who he is!  This young man inspires me to be a leader by example.  He teaches me that what I have to offer is important and worthwhile.  
  • A woman, who is a full-time student, a mother, a wife, a daughter, who works weekends and evenings, who wants to serve others by being a leader for them, who cares deeply about people having a place to belong, who is willing to face her fears and step out of her comfort zone to be stronger and experience more!  This woman inspires me to suck it up when I am tired, to step out of my comfort zone and say yes when I am uncomfortable and to work to create a place for everyone to feel welcome. 
  • A woman, who worked any number of jobs to feed, clothe and put a roof over her daughters head, who cared for numerous loved ones as they were dying, and who, even as she ages, refuses to give up!   This woman inspires me to care for those who are sick, to be selfless in my actions, to take care of my family and to go after what is important and what is valuable. 
  • A woman, who has devoted her life to healing the sick, who has a tremendous sense of responsibility to her family, who sees something interesting, creative and beautiful and says “I can do that”, who leads with confidence in just about everything she does, who is an amazing caretaker, and who is a loving and loyal wife.  This woman inspires me to be my best self, to love deeper, to commit stronger, and to want to say “I can do that to”. 
I could go on and on with examples of inspiring people in my life.  So, while I enjoy watching the Olympics and other top athletes perform I am so grateful that all I need to do is look in my “own backyard” to find daily sources of inspirations to challenge myself, to develop myself, to continually evolve and to strive to be the best self I can be!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

My Portrait assignment in my Photojournalism class.

Former trial attorney Susan Coby, now owner of Soul – A Soup and Coffee House has enjoyed success as a new business owner since July 2013.  Soul is located at 610 W. Hubbard St. in Coeur d’Alene.  Using fresh and healthy ingredients, Coby offers two kinds of soups and salads every day, in addition to homemade baked goods.  Coby’s goal is to serve 40 bowls of soup a day.  “If I do much more than 40 bowls a day I loose the personal touches I love to put on my soups”.  In addition to the love she puts in her soup, Coby declared “I live by the motto: I am seeking. I am striving. I am in it with my heart.”  This motto is stenciled on the main wall of the café and sums up Coby and her humble café.